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Cooking in sens

25 Nov


8 Nov

GBS .Long Long Year

26 Jun

Well it’s been a year now that I have had GBS and boy has it been a long one .I would have thought that at this stage I would be walking but sadly that is not the case.Still at least I’m here to tell the story and that’s all that matters right now.I am getting stronger by the day a little at a time.when my Consultant old me I had the Aman variant slow recovery of GBS he wasn’t joking and i know at least he knows what he is talking about.So my journey continues and I can just about make out some land in the distance and for that I am so grateful .

New Pope

13 Mar

New Pope is from Argentina,your still not getting the Falklands Islands back.

I’m Just A Walking The Dog

5 Feb

Had a good assisted walk with my physio team today,they say I am not really walking with my own muscles yet but more with my ligaments,but at least it’s a start and if I had a dog he would have been proud of me,so maybe that’s something for me to think about adding to our family circle,it would be cool to go out dog walking, I haven’t had a pet since I was a young boy (many many years ago) so lookout my four legged friends

Why do we work and save

4 Feb

Just found out today that all the modification work that i need doing to my house as a result of me getting Guillian Barre Syndrome that has left me in a wheelchair will not be covered by my local municipal council as I have worked and paid my tax and even managed to save a bit,then I don’t qualify for any assistance,can anyone tell me where I went wrong!!!

Guillian Barre Syndrome

3 Feb

Guillian Barre Syndrome.Hi All, I have GBS (Aman variant) had it 8 months now and still can’t walk or stand on my own,any  advice or pointers would be a great help,I know it is slow recovery but how slow is slow.Rgds AJG.

Guillian Barre Syndrome

2 Feb

Hi All, I have GBS (aman variant) have had it for about 8 months now,have been told it will be very slow recovery but how slow is slow? I have not been able to walk or stand on my own anyone have any advice  tips. Rgds AJG.